Friday, December 31, 2010

A Year Ends and Another Begins

I am reflecting back a lot on the past year. It started wonderfully with my engagement! We have had birthdays, weddings, friends come and go, we have helped each other through some hard times in our lives, we have lived it to the fullest.

There are a lot of people that had a very bad 2010 and a lot that had a great 2010.
I like to think I am part of the latter. I have been made aware that life is worth living to the fullest, family is most important, people come and go in our lives, to always be greatful~ even for the hard times as they are what shape us into who we are and that no matter what, keep an open mind and always try to maintain a fresh outlook on whatever you are dealing with.

Here is wishing all reading this a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

I am looking forward to what the future holds for me and my family. It has expanded over the last year (well, legally, lol), and continues to expand in the next. More weddings, babies, parties, birthdays and happy times await....
 I am excited!

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