Monday, August 16, 2010

Happiness?? Is it attainable??

This weekend, I read this quote,

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections"

And it had me wondering… am I ever going to be happy? I seem unable to be able to look past imperfections, whether they are mine, my fiancés, my co-workers, my family's or anyone else that I come across.

I am a self-admitted completely impatient person. I have no patience for stupidity, ignorance or any kind of lacking in anyone. I very often come across with strong opinions, outspoken and with a complete lack of a filter. I am somewhat obnoxious, and like to believe that my opinion is always correct. I have a quick temper. I very often feel like I am being taken advantage of. I cannot comprehend people's lack of caring for others!

On the flip side, I am caring. I truly love those that are important to me and would do anything for them. My family is my life. I take pride in my kids and their accomplishments and feel like there will never be anyone good enough for them. I have a huge heart.

All this has lead me to a quote of my own,
"Being happy doesn’t mean that you look beyond imperfections, it means that you are able to recognize yours and everyone else's and still love yourself and everyone around you for who they are."

So this has me a little Happy

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